
R&D Center

Devoted 36 year water science research for healthier life

Antibiosis and Antimycotic Effect

Pneumococcus was sterilized in the concentration of 3% Hinoki cypress oil. Phytoncide is proven to sterilize eumycetes, listeria, salmonella, E coli 0157, MRSA, legionella, pneumococcus, staphylococcus, and more bacteria, tested by the Japanese government-affiliated institute.

Decomposition of Formaldehyde

Operating the Forphyton Device, the formaldehyde rate significantly decreased. Constant usage of the appliance will remove most of the noxious materials that cause sick-house syndrome.

Improve Working Efficiency and Help Focusing on Studies

Phytoncide hugely affects work performance and concentration, in a positive way. Breathing phytoncide will relax the body, relieve stress, and improve memorizaiton and concentration